To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that on Tuesday October 1st, 2002 haykh Abdur Rahman Khan; a member of the Majlis-e Shura of The Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Head of Department, Islamic Studies and Religious Director at The Islamic Foundation, Villa Park, Chicago Illinois has visited and examined the slaughtering facilities and processes of NEMA slaughtering plant located at 800 Manning Ave., PA, 15132.

NEMA processes of slaughtering are in total compliance with the Islamic Shari’ah as well as in compliance with State Regulations.

Animals are slaughtered individually by hand without any stunning effect and the Tasmia and Takbir are done audibly at the time of slaughtering. Only sheep, goats, cows and bulls are slaughtered at this facility. When animals are brought into the facilities they are kept there for some days before they are slaughtered.

The owners are conscious Muslims whose main aim is to provide Halal foods for the American Market in general and for the Muslims in particular.

May Allah SWT bless them and help them in their endeavors.

Yours in Islam.
Shaykh Abdur Rahman Khan


Certificate #: HT793B
Date: June 08, 2004

North American Halal Foundation (NAHF) hereby certifies that the meat (of sheep, lamb, veal and cow) produced by Nema Food Company, located in McKeesport, Pennsylvania, USA meet the “Halal Standards” established in accordance with the Islamic Law (Shariah) as follows:

The USDA approved slaughtering plant (establishment #9457), located in McKeesport, Pennsylvania is totally dedicated to Halal slaughter only.
The animals are slaughtered without stunning.
The animals are hand-slaughtered by a Muslim slaughter man pronouncing Tasmiyyah (Bismillah) and Takbir (Allah-u-Akbar).
The animals are slaughtered by a sharp knife from the front of the neck. The throat (Miree), windpipe (Halkoom), and the two jugular veins (Wadijan) are cut in the neck, causing the animal’s death by bleeding without cutting the spinal cord.
The meat is handled, manufactured, and packaged under the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene.
Contamination and cross-contamination with any non-Halal material/product/ingredient has been strictly avoided at every step of the production and distribution.
The certificate is effective through June 08, 2005 and is subject to renewal at that date.

Mohammad Mazhar Hussaini
Authorized NAHF Certifying Officer


To Whom It May Concern:
This is to certify that NEMA (meat provider for myhalalmeat.com) meat is zabiha slaughtered halal meat. The owners of NEMA Food Company, a halal quality food company, are sincere practicing Muslims and in the slaughterhouse, located at 800 Manning Ave.-McKeesport, Pa.15132, all animals are slaughtered by Muslim butchers.

The slaughterhouse and other facilities are newly remodeled and therefore the most recent customized technology is in use, allowing humanitarian slaughtering according to Islamic principles of zabiha, without stunning and in compliance with U.S.D.A. regulations.

Moreover, after arriving the facility all animals are held in barns for a necessary period of time before they are slaughtered. This is an Islamically advised procedure to make sure that the animals eat clean food and drink clean water before being slaughtered.

NEMA Halal Quality Food Company does not kill and/or process any pork or pork-related products in its facilities.

As the director of the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh and religious adviser to the NEMA Halal Quality Food Company, the facilities are under my supervision.

For further questions please feel free to call me at the office number above, or at my home number (412) 279-5675.

Sincerely and brotherly,

Kadir Gunduz
Director of the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh
Religious adviser to NEMA Food Company ‘s slaughterhouse.
Islamic Center of Pittsburgh